
E Komo Mai! Welcome!

Aloha from Maui and the world of jewelry from my studio in the quaint town of  Wailuku.

From Construction Site Dumpsters - Wearable Art Jewelry by Mckenna Hallett


Thank-you for visiting my web site and considering my line of wearable art jewelry for your shop or gallery.  I am honored to share my story…

Today, and everyday, more and more people are discovering that we must rethink everything we do and everything we purchase.

Since 1992, when Currents – low impact jewelry was launched, I have “preached” my mantra to all who would listen: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle only when you must.  And RETHINK everything you buy.

Mckenna at her Singer Treadle base sanding jewerly by hand and by FOOT! She re-invented the wheel to honor her Mission Statement.

My message finally resonates with more people today than ever before.  And everyday and I am so grateful to share my life long devotion to the principles of Voluntary Simplicity with this ever growing audience.  My Mission Statement has never been more meaningful.  My Mission has never been so deeply supported nor my work more sought out by buyers.  I am grateful.

Please enjoy viewing my work and if you are hoping to buy a piece or two for yourself, please look to at the list of galleries.  I do not sell retail on this or any other site. If you are a buyer for a gallery then you will want to contact me for pricing information.

This may be adornment, but it touches a central nerve as we all recognize the impact our actions have on changing climates.  Since 1992 I have created and shared over 60,000 pieces of these “simple messages of hope”.  As they circulate around our planet, I know there is a conversation about conservation taking place because someone is wearing a piece of my jewelry.

This is humbling.  And I am grateful.